#TITRES_V1_0 According to the legend, the beast was so wild that it fed on human flesh.
#TITRES_V1_1 The young boy positioned the horse facing the sun, to dazzle it, and - grasping it by the neck - he mounted it.
#TITRES_V1_2 Then, after exhausting the animal in a frantic gallop, he brought it back calm and tame.
#TITRES_V1_3 Thus it was that Bucephalus became Alexander's mount, henceforth accompanying him throughout his epic adventures.
#TITRES_V1_4 As the years went by, the young man's skills as a warrior asserted themselves.
#TITRES_V1_5 And his father saw fit to entrust him with the task of doing battle with the rebellious inhabitants of Macedonia.
#TITRES_V2_0 Alexander's fate was sealed on that day of ceremony. In the midst of the festivities,
#TITRES_V2_1 his father Philip - the eminent Greek leader -was cruelly assassinated.
#TITRES_V2_2 The man who had imposed Macedonian supremacy, united the forces of the great Greek cities
#TITRES_V2_3 and often entertained the plan to invade Persia, died in the arms of his son.
#TITRES_V2_4 Hardly had the king breathed his last than Alexander was recognized as uncontested ruler of Greece.
#TITRES_V2_5 >From the moment of his accession, he proclaimed his desire to continue his father's work.
#TITRES_V3_0 The Persian army, led by Emperor Darius, was bursting with self-confidence and unquestionably boasted superiority of numbers.
#TITRES_V3_1 As it deployed for battle, Alexander prepared his strategy.
#TITRES_V3_2 Being familiar with tales of the life of the great Cyrus, the legendary Persian warrior,
#TITRES_V3_3 he expected to find in Darius a rival worthy of this ancestor.
#TITRES_V3_4 The Macedonian war machine took up position and the hour when the young king
#TITRES_V3_5 and his troops would determine the fate of the empire was fast approaching.
#TITRES_V4_0 On the battlefield, in the midst of swirling dust clouds, Alexander led his men to victory.
#TITRES_V4_1 Darius - incapable of proper judgment and sangfroid - was unable to respond effectively to the Macedonian army's determination.
#TITRES_V4_2 Pursued by Alexander, the Persian emperor fled, and his army beat a retreat in total disarray.
#TITRES_V5_0 While fleeing towards the mountains of Media, Darius was assassinated by the satrap Bessus who proclaimed himself king in his place.
#TITRES_V5_1 Alexander discovered his rival's body on the wayside.
#TITRES_V5_2 On doing so - with neither hatred, nor any feeling of revenge - he made a deeply respectful gesture towards his dead enemy.
#TITRES_V6_0 Alexander was eager to go even further, pushing his army to the far ends of the world.
#TITRES_V6_1 But his men were exhausted and refused to continue.
#TITRES_V6_2 Alexander did not listen to their complaints. He tried, in vain, to urge them to follow him.
#TITRES_V6_3 But faced with his troops' determination and the depopulated landscape that now stretched before him, Alexander decided reluctantly to go back.
#TITRES_V7_0 Alexander made a triumphant return to Babylon.
#TITRES_V7_1 As he marched at the head of his army, the crowd was jubilant, cheering the great conqueror.
#TITRES_V7_2 Alexander had suffered no defeats and was considered, and honoured, as a god by all the subjects in his empire.
#TITRES_V8_0 At the height of his power, Darius landed in Greece and conquered all the territories.
#TITRES_V8_1 The Persian army forced Alexander's army to retreat to the Macedonian capital.
#TITRES_V8_2 In a final battle, Darius took Alexander prisoner. Then, before his subjected army, he put him to death.
#TITRES_V9_0 Alexander's strategy in warfare was not unfailing.
#TITRES_V9_1 Nectanebo succeeded in countering his army's advance.
#TITRES_V9_2 After gathering together the people of Egypt, he blocked the Macedonian army at Jerusalem and laid siege to the town.
#TITRES_V9_3 Alexander lost most of his men and gave up after the battle.
#TITRES_V10_0 In the spring, Alexander crossed the Indus and arrived in the kingdom of Taxila.
#TITRES_V10_1 He continued marching and reached the banks of the Hydaspus.
#TITRES_V10_2 But Porus was on the other side, at the head of thirty thousand men and two hundred elephants.
#TITRES_V10_3 Suffering great losses, the Indian king pushed the Greek army back as far as Babylon where he captured Alexander and banished him forever.
#TITRES_V11_MenuItem Soundtrack
#TITRES_V11_MenuHint Vangelis Scores Alexander video
#TITRES_V11_0 My best moment is when, before I'm starting, I don't know what I'm going to do.
#TITRES_V11_1 Because when you know what you are going to do, you start thinking,
#TITRES_V11_2 and by thinking you reduce the chances of something which is greater
#TITRES_V11_3 than your thoughts, your self.
#TITRES_V11_4 Writing for a movie is not more than trying to help the movie,
#TITRES_V11_5 and to bring the movie to the best possible result.
#TITRES_V11_6 I think "Alexander" is, for everybody, is a very special case.
#TITRES_V11_7 I try to remember how it is to live at the time, to be there.
#TITRES_V11_8 At the same time, I must speak to a language, music language,
#TITRES_V11_9 which is understandable today, because we are addressing the thousands of millions of audiences.